[bird be ambitious]



GABA corporation.
Gaba;one-to-one English lesson class


receiving [one-on-one]lesson with personalized attention is the biggest characteristic of Gaba Man-to-Man English Conversation.
We expressed such characteristic simply but with great impact.

one of the young bird throws out the other three from the nest in order to become one-on-one with the parent.
such a structure is expressed through a puppet play so that we dont leave an unpleasant impression.

■how to move

1) 4 young birds pleading for food from their parent

2) When the mouse is over, one of the young bird throws out the other three from the nest.

3) receives food successfully by becoming one-on-one with his/her parent

4) "One-on-one is best for communication"

5) "From the first moment you walk in the door, you will receive personalized attention.
Because you always have your instructor all to yourself, you can learn at your own pace."
The other young birds also become one-on-one with their parent. Happy ending.